It made me think of the immense amount of hours I spent soaking in every word of my psychology books in college and the numerous hours I spent in training courses when I decided to work with the special needs community. I knew from my psychology degree the damage that can be done during childhood in regards to trauma, as children do not know when lines are being crossed and can not speak up for themselves. I also knew from my trainings at a special needs Camp in New York that when you work with a 27 year old male who has mental retardation as well as autism, his mental age is that of a child's. This was the case for every camper I served that summer in NY, with many of them having dual diagnoses, and them all needing to be taken care of and looked after with intense care. They looked like they should be able to perceive the world's black and white area's without hesitation since they are a grown up, but in fact they see everything just as gray as a child does.
I don't know when it happened exactly, whether it was a quote I read in a textbook or when one of my campers looked into my eyes, but ever since I can remember I have vowed the protect those who can not protect themselves. To speak for those who have no voice, and to demand respect for those who can't to ask for it. It's something I can not waver on. It is not a gray area for me.
I remember when one of my campers was locked in the cafeteria away from me by accident. At this special needs camp you had to be next to your camper 24/7 as so many things could go wrong, but my camper was a runner and took off ahead of me. Before I could catch him a scene took place with some other campers inside the cafeteria and they shut the doors so no one would get hurt. I knew they weren't paying attention to my camper, and I needed to get in there to protect him. He was screaming and rocking in the corner of the cafeteria and I was locked on the outside helpless. I began banging on the doors and windows causing a scene, beginning to panic as I could not protect him with bricks in between us. I began to yell demands for someone to let me in regardless of what was going on, and finally someone did. I ran over to my camper who was very upset hitting himself in frustration, and I reached out my hand to calm him. He never looked at me, did not stop rocking, but took the hand he was hitting himself with and put it in my hand for a moment. I began to walk out of the chaos, outside of the building, and he followed due to the loving trust we had built. He calmed down once we were in the summer air and both of our hearts began to beat at a normal pace. All I could think was, 'One more minute and I would have broken that window to get to you.' PROTECT.
There have been an inexplicable number of incidences where I have stood up against ignorant people who call others 'retarded' or 'slow' but one in particular comes to mind. I worked with a man who had autism and due to his diagnosis he had a 'tick.' A tick is something that someone does that is often involuntary, or it can be soothing, but it's basically an integrated part of their everyday life and many times they don't even know when they are doing it. Well, this precious man's tick was to do a kissy face. When he was anxious, excited, or in a heightened emotional state his response would be to do this 'kissy face' to people. Now it was totally endearing and made him all the more lovable, but there were people who would egg him on. They would gather their friends around to laugh at his tick, mocking, joking, and giving him a kissy face in return. They thought it was hysterical and were not respecting his diagnosis and what came with it. Sure it was cute, but it was not to be mocked or made to be anything more than just a simple part of who he was. They made him a spectacle, so I made them aware of how ignorant and clueless they really were by the behavior they were exhibiting. After our little conversation about ticks, autism, and respecting people with special needs they sure enough left him alone. It wasn't so funny anymore, and they could finally see the other great parts of his personality that he had to offer. DEMAND RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T ASK FOR IT.
The thing you may not expect to hear is that both of these men were nonverbal. So anything they needed, wanted, or were upset about I had to read off of their body language or learn from asking around. I had to interpret every step they took, every eye movement, and every turn of the neck in order to interpret their every thought. Because of this we were trained to never leave them alone because if something ever happened to them they could not tell us what went wrong. If they were ever disrespected, violated, or hurt in any way we would never know about it because they had no words for us. The same goes for young children. After this camp I worked with children with special needs that were age three and under. I would sometimes come across neglect or abuse cases when I would meet their families. Do you think I hesitated to call Child protective services? Whether I had to report someones behavior towards my camper, or report a mother that I thought was beating her child, the motivation is still the same. SPEAK FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE.
Whether we are talking about children, the mentally ill, or the special needs community they all have this in common: they are precious, innocent, and totally susceptible to harm if we do not speak up for them. You've got a voice, so use it.
"Speak the truth, even if your voice is shaking."