I feel so inspired and touched, as today was my first time to meet my Small group (bible study group) through my new church here in Seoul. I have been in small groups at home and have even been a small group leader, but I wondered "Will it be the same? Will I still enjoy it?" I wanted so badly to find a group of people here in Seoul who share my love for Christ and who I can be friends with also, so I felt the pressure was on.
So naturally, I was SO nervous when I first walked into the cafe to meet everyone. But I was comforted as everyone was so nice and I soon felt more and more at ease as time passed. By the end of the first meeting, we had done introductions and gotten to know each other better, and we were dismissed. I chatted a bit with the girl next to me and before I knew it she invited me out with her on Friday night to check out a great place for dancing that I had heard about but had not had a chance to go yet! I said yes, and we left the cafe, and all I could think was......God sent me this group and I will make long lasting friends here. Here is where I will continue to put down roots, here is where I will not only grow in my spiritual walk, but in my relationships with others. Thank you God for pushing me to sign up for a group!
I realize more and more each day....God's got my back here in Korea.
This so awesome to hear been praying like mad that God would provide you a community to enjoy life over there in Korea with. Big answer to prayer Praise God!