Friday, September 21, 2012

Korean culture & its quirks!

Here in Korea there are many little quirks i have noticed. But so you all can get some of the ideas of the things I see everyday I thought I would make a fun little list for you!
1.) They wrap up fish for you to take home at the grocery store with the head, tale, and it all still intact. Its 2 seconds away from still being alive!
2.) On that note, they eat live seafood here. Live squid and live blow fish to be exact, even though doing so can kill you!
3.) They absolutely with every ounce of them LOVE SPAM. Its everywhere, and a part of everything! its a part of soups, sushi, you name it, spams in it!
4.) They work like its going out of style..... they will easily work 10-11 hours a day without blinking an eye for 5 or 6 days a week. Coincidentally, I found out the suicide rate is higher in Korea.....related you think?
5.) They love to hike, but Korean women do not like the sun. It is considered that the more white you are the more beautiful you are. They even bleach their faces to get a whiter look! So the women will hike in long sleeves, pants, gloves, and BIG visors to cover their face. Regardless of the weather, this is the attire, and it looks hot!
6.) After lunch, they always brush their teeth. Good dental hygiene, right?!
7.) They always drive and park on the sidewalk. If you have your ipod in your ears on the sidewalk, you have to be very aware of your surroundings, because its not different from walking on the street. They drive and expect you to move ASAP even though your on the sidewalk!
8.) As a culture they are very respectful and very thoughtful. (I have already received gifts for being a teacher and i have only been here 3 weeks!) But when you walk on the sidewalk of a busy street or on the subways they do not squeeze by you and try not to hit you. YOU MOVE, or you get shoved. There is no malice behind it, that is just the way they are, so if you dont push back sometimes you will never get anywhere. Dont ever expect them to say they are sorry, and if you say it they dont care, because they were not bothered in the first place that you ran into them. Its just how it is!
9.) No one curls there hair over here.........they are serious about flat irons and having straight gorgeous hair, but if you want a curling iron (like me) you are completely out of luck! Curls are nonexistent!
10.) Last but not least......... a simple difference, but its very Asian and I have grown to like it. I teach barefoot. You have to wear slippers when you go into our school, and I have a pair of slippers that I am allowed to wear. (no outside shoes because they are dirty) But often the kids will be in their slippers and I just kick mine off to walk around the classroom and teach. All over Korea, taking off your shoes is a major sign of respect, so of course this will translate to the school too! My kids will say "Ms.Nikki don't forget your slippers!" as I will often try to walk to PE class or the Library and forget I'm not wearing shoes. And one of the naughty little boys in my class will sometimes even put them on and walk around the room in them, and all I can do is laugh! There is something very honest thought about teaching barefoot.....I'm that much more at home in my classroom!
So I have to ask.....whats your favorite quirk??

1 comment:

  1. I would say number ten quirk is my favorite. It feels more comfortable doing things in your bare feet or maybe I am just goofy that way!
