The Squatter is a toilet found in many Asian countries including
Korea. It is basically a toilet that is in the floor and you have to squat and
do your business and then there is a little flusher button next to it. Now, for
those of you who do not think this would be so bad, let’s get things into
perspective. If you ever feel like you need to go to the bathroom, an emergency
or just a visit that may take a while, (wink wink) this is not the type of
toilet you want to be headed towards. Squatting for any more than a minute
really does a number on your thigh muscles and if you must prop yourself up on
the ground you are then faced with the fact your hands could be on someone
else’s pee…..or worse. Do they give you a courteous handicap bar to hold onto
while you squat over this inconvenient excuse for a toilet….NO! There is nada.
And go ahead and face the fact that your days of bringing a magazine or
newspaper with you are over. There is no way to read it, and no way to even
relax while in the squatting position. But best of all, after having your body
in this uncomfortable position for a while now your legs or feet begin to fall
asleep and you realize you forgot to bring in some toilet paper. YES, oh YES,
this happens in many restrooms in Korea. They will put the toilet paper on the
OUTSIDE of the stall or even the entire restroom facility and you will be left
with nothing. Oh yea, nothing to work with.
Feet going numb, hands in pee, and beginning to become aware
of your gag reflex you must now muster up the strength to get UP out of this
position. One, two, three, GO! As you try to push your weight forward you
ALMOST step in the toilet which you have not yet flushed…..thank God one thing
did not go wrong here but you are wondering if you will be so lucky next time.
You stare at a trashcan with toilet paper in it and wonder why no one is
flushing it down the toilet. You then see the sign, in Korean and broken
English, “Put used toilet paper in a trashcan.” This is because the drains in
Korea are very curvy so they get clogged very easily. Oh Gosh……….you feel your
lunch rising up in your throat as your gag reflex is becoming more and more
agitated. You then leave the bathroom stall and a Korean woman about the age of
80 scurries by you to get inside. You wonder how in the world she will ever get
up from the squatting position, since you barely made it yourself. I guess
there are not any old women with back problems in Korea if they are so quick to
use these toilets!You walk to the sink and are perplexed by the fact there is no soap. You look and look around; thinking that you have a strangers pee on your hands and you must use soap immediately! You watch the other women washing their hands, and you see that it is on a stick. You are continuously amazed by the places they put soap, and you had completely overlooked this strange contraption in front of you. Then you wash your hands furiously as many Korean women around you shuffle by you in a hurry to get to their next destination. How are they not fazed by this overtly uncomfortable bathroom experience?
Porcelain God…..yea, let go of that idea.
So I say to you with nothing but hard evidence to back up my
claims and nothing but numerous uncomfortable germ-filled moments in my recent
bathroom history; “Seriously, just hold it.”