Friday, October 12, 2012


Here in Korea there is a major holiday at the end of September called Chuseok. This is their version of Thanksgiving where they cook for 2 days and spend the whole next day eating it.
They lavish themselves in amazing traditional korean dishes and spread love and joy to everyone they know, being thankful for all they have. So this wonderful tradition continues at school, and the children come dressed in their traditional Korean dress, a Hanbok, and we make yummy sweets and play Korean games.

This year we made "moonpies" which are ricecakes filled with beans and covered in sesame oil. It is pretty good, but the store bought ones turned out a little better than the kids! :) But the creativity of the activity was so fun for them, and they had a blast with it. Then we moved on to Korean games where we arm wrestled, played a bow and arrow game, and a version of hacky-sack. They absolutely loved it and overall the day was full of lots of smiles and great memories!

This amazing holiday spirit was all around the day before their holiday weekend began! I have received many gifts and had a wonderful celebration with my whole school, and it made ME feel so thankful to be working here in Korea!


  1. Love the beautiful traditional attire! Those kids are precious.

  2. I would have to second Mama G's comment! What a way celebrate a holiday!
