Friday, August 16, 2013

Korea's Independence Day

Yesterday was Korea's Independence Day. I wasn't sure why we had the day off because I actually thought Korea's Independence day was in June, but it turns out that day was a Korean War memorial day. So with my lack of knowledge on the holiday I have been asking around to adults and my kids I teach as to what this day means to them.

I know in the States our Independence day is quite an event. We have fireworks, barbeque's, parties and more. Its a day of pure celebration, time with friends and family, and lots of laughs. But the Korean people sing to a very different tune on their special day. By many it is viewed as a sad day or just another one in the year not to be celebrated. You see the Korean war was just over 60 years ago and the wounds are still very much healing. When Japan ruled Korea there was a lot of torment and bloodshed and the sting is still very real for many Koreans. There was so many heinous things that happened during Japans reign and people are still alive that lived through it.

For this reason there is still much discrimination towards the Japanese people here in Korea. I have been told by kids and adults alike that Japan has never apologized for their actions and this is what hurts the most. This lack of apology seems to say that they do not see any fault in the pain they caused the Koreans, and this is why discrimination is very much still alive here. It doesn't quite feel like old news or even history yet. When talking to many Koreans you would think this happened last week due to the pain and sadness on their face. Some of my kids I teach have told me, "Japanese people are bad people." This hurts my heart a little because some of them are only 10 years old and I wonder if they have made that decision due to their understanding of historical events, or if they have grown up in an environment condemning that country basically creating a discriminatory attitude.

During my trip to Japan I was amazed at the generosity, kindness, and overall respect the Japanese people offered me. They would go out of their way to help me when I was lost or to advise me on fun activities to do. I was welcomed in a way that made me want to go back a thousand times over, and I never once felt hostility come my way when I said I lived in Korea. For this reason, I asked some kids that I teach this week, "Well have you been to Japan? What was it like?" One child answered, "Yes I have been to Japan, but I did not talk to anybody. Japanese people are bad people." So I answered her, "What about the children that are ten years old like you, who were not alive during the Korean War and did not have anything to do with what happened?" Her face did not change, she merely answered, "Well maybe they are OK but mostly Japan is bad." The other kids went on to tell me they never went to Japan but they know that everyone is bad there.  Later on I asked the oldest child that I teach, in a different class, the same question wondering if his older age would give him a different perspective. His answer was, "I think what happened was very bad, and the government was bad and did bad things, but not all of the people are bad. I have been to Japan and it is very nice and the people were friendly."

I sighed a little ounce of relief after his answer because it gave me hope for the younger generation here in Korea to be able to move forward from their countries tormented history. I can sympathize with the mindset of so many of the adults here who either went through the war or aftermath, or know someone who did, so they cannot easily shake off the pain that Japan brought them. Who knows how you can even go about letting such a huge burden go, but I hope the younger generation won't have to carry it. Discrimination, no matter the reasons for justification, just leads to more pain and sadness.

I hope that one day this very special day, Korea's Independence day, can be one of joy and triumph because of the pain they overcame and to commemorate the lives of the soldiers that they lost. After all Korea is a wildly impressive country when you look at how far they have come in such a short time and how successful they truly are, and this is something to take pride in! One day I believe the tide will turn and it will be a day to celebrate all these things instead of a somber reminder of the past.

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