After thinking
about how I view my time here in Korea the word “sabbatical” popped into my
head. Whenever I hear people talk about taking a sabbatical they are going to
take paid time off to travel, see the world, and they usually come back saying
they have found themselves on top of all that. They are taking time off from
being a teacher (usually college level) and discovering what this great Earth
has to offer, and gathering memories and moments full of love and hope along
the way. Well, those are the people who take advantage of this time off anyway!
Now I know my
moving to Korea and working here doesn’t exactly fit this description but I see
plenty of parallels. First, I know I am working far more hours than I ever have
in my prior jobs, but I’m also making more money than said jobs. This is money
that I will save and use to see the world, and use to start an amazing
nonprofit. So at times, it feels like I’m getting paid to do things here, to be
here even, for more than my job. Which is nice, I admit. Second, I have already
seen Japan and soon I will be on an adventure in Malaysia and Indonesia. All
these countries will have been seen before I even reach my 6 month mark here in
Korea, and let’s not forget the continuous exploration of Seoul and other
Korean cities which is always intriguing! I am living a life here that doesn’t
even feel like my own, that feels like a dream sometimes. Many days I wonder if
I will wake up in my bed back in the States and I will have dreamed up this
whole charade overnight. Isn’t that what a sabbatical is supposed to mean? A
complete vacation and retreat from your life? Well, that’s absolutely what I am
getting here. Third, a sabbatical has a time limit and then you are required to
head back to reality. This is exactly how I feel about my stay here in Korea. After
all, I’m not twenty years old spending my time hanging out over here until I
figure out what I want to do with my life. Being in my late twenties, I know
the answers to these big life questions already. I am excited to get back to my
life in the States and can’t wait to go home next November, but I know my time
here is serving a life purpose for me.
My year here is to
purely get away and find some HOPE. Find the kind of hope that only comes from
seeing God’s magnificent creations all over the Earth, by experiencing things
you can only read about in books, and by pushing yourself to the limit. Once I
find this kind of hope, my ‘sabbatical’ will be over. It will be time for me to
return home with immortal, unbreakable, unyielding hope that nothing can
penetrate. I will need this for what God has in store for me next, and I know
he will help me to find it for exactly that reason.
So sabbatical or not, I'm not sure, but it definitely doesn't feel like real life!
Amen! This opportunity was made for someone lime proud of you