Tuesday, June 11, 2013

All my Children

During each of my journeys around the world I have somehow accumulated a group of kids that will never leave my mind. I love them in a real and meaningful way, whether we have had numerous memories together or none at all. Today I was reminded in a small way, how significant those memories can be for a child. How significant one person can be for a child, a family, or a situation. Although they are children, they have taught me so much about life and about the woman I want to be. It brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes to know I truly love so many amazing children around the world and they love me too. Here are all my children:

Aaiden- This is my Godson in Belize. I met him a few years ago on a mission trip to Sandhill, Belize with my church. It was an amazing week where I became incredibly close with this gorgeous little boy, who was only 1 year old at the time. My mom also became close with him and one of us was always holding him and playing with him. My absolute happy place was when he was sleeping on me, showing me how comfortable he was with me. It was so sweet that I didn't care he was making me even hotter in the 90 degree weather that was making me drip with sweat! I could have held him forever....basically I fell in love with him. His mother could see how much I cared for her baby boy and at the end of the week she asked me and my mom to be his Godmothers. We had a ceremony at the church where I vowed to pray for him and love him always. I still pray for his health, happiness, and that he will grow up and become a man of God. He is almost 4 years old now, and going to preschool. I was contacted by his mother today asking me if I wanted updated pictures and videos of him? She then followed this question with a statement that warmed my heart: "He asks about you when I show him pictures of him as a baby. He says hi! He will never forget you, I promise!"

John- I met an unforgettable soul this year in Korea named John. He was in my first Kinder class and we became incredibly close. I noticed that he was a child who needed a special kind of teacher, and I was happily able to fill those shoes. He is insanely smart and determined to become a scientist. He always would make me and his friends laugh and was a hand full to say the least. But every moment that I shared with him was cherished. He is now in an after school class at my school so I see him in the afternoon. He has been having trouble in this class, feeling frustrated and bored, and his Korean teacher could not get him to talk about his feelings...... so she asked me to speak with him. I felt very touched to still be useful in his life since he is no longer in my Kinder class, and sometimes acts like he is too cool for school when he sees me in the hallways. But sure enough I spoke to him and he opened up about his feelings to me. We had a great talk, laughed and played for a sec, then he went back into his after school class. He is still my sweet little mischievous kinder, and I still can fill a need of his that others could not. I felt incredibly special, and will miss this boy terribly when I leave Korea. My life just wont quite be the same when I'm no longer seeing that silly grin of his on that handsome face anymore.

Alejandro-This little boy was the first child I ever did developmental therapy with back in North Carolina. He was very delayed in regards to his speech and gross motor skills. His family was in a tough situation and the needs of the family as a whole was overwhelming. Nevertheless I learned how to say to the face of adversity "I don't care, I'm doing it anyway." There was an incredible amount of obstacles in the 2 years I treated this boy from fights with his family, to problems with his daycare, and then the every day battle with his special needs. But that little boy walked and talked for the first time with me! I will never forget when he took his first steps and I started screaming in excitement. It could have been my own flesh and blood considering how overjoyed I felt at that moment at his accomplishment. I still can hear him calling me "Ms.Icky" instead of "Nikki"..... sometimes it was just too sweet to correct him. He taught me to fight for whats right and to fight for the little guy regardless of the circumstances. He empowered me to give a voice to those who had none. I grew into my big girl shoes with this little boy, and I will always remember his beautiful face.

Megan- I met this little girl 3 years ago and my life was forever changed. She is a child who is medically fragile who taught me so much about the quality of life. She struggled daily with her diagnosis, and I worked to keep her and her families spirits up. I did what I could in regards to therapy, but our relationship was not a working one. I became a part of Megan's family, loving her deeply, and becoming a friend and helper to her family. My heart would bleed daily for her situation, and I wanted to change it for future families like hers. She died in 2010, and I am now dedicating my life to helping families just like hers. She fought daily for her health which made me painfully aware of all the things I take for granted. Such as having white blood cells, the ability to break down enzymes, or being able to eat solid food. She gave me more lessons in the year that I knew her than anybody I have ever met. I still love her dearly, and I know she is an angel watching out for me from heaven.

Justicia- This is the little orphan girl that I sponsor in Africa. She is a gorgeous 4 year old now, and sends me letters a few times a year. She likes to play with dolls and is well-behaved. To be honest, she could be the naughtiest one at her school and I wouldn't care! I just want her to know she is loved by people all over the world. She often draws pictures on her letters to me of people, and at Christmas one year she tried to draw baby Jesus. She is one of Jesus' children and I tell her in my letters how much God loves her. I pray for her safety, nourishment, and to know that she is not alone in this world. I hope she can grow up to become an empowering woman of God who will change the world. Who knows, maybe she will do this by helping other African orphans like herself. Every child is worth so much more than they know, and is capable of doing whatever they set their mind to. She makes me excited for the day when I will adopt my own orphan from across the world, who I can only dream will be as beautiful as she is. Some children you don't even have to know to love.

These kids will have a permanent place in my heart forever, and the ways they have impacted my life is inconceivable. I am unable to even put it into words. They are branded in my heart as the children that have changed my world, my reality, and my future. They have molded me into the person I am today.

I look forward to the next one to enter the group.

1 comment:

  1. Wow so beautiful...tears... YOU have forever changed their lives because you see what others don't...this is a God given gift. I love you so much xoxoxo
