Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gifts from Korea

Resilience and patience are things that the Lord must instill in us. Every bump in the road is a method for gaining more of these characteristics. And then before you know it, you can do anything you put your mind too. 
Since being in Korea I have truly changed from inside out. God has been working hard to teach me lessons I could have never learned at home, and instilled in me a ferocity and determination to fight back against the worlds injustices. There has been a vision burning inside of me for years now to change the lives of families in my own community back in North Carolina. I was not equipped for the battle that I will be sure to face in following this vision through before I came to Korea, as I had numerous burdens in my own life I had to focus on. 

Now, with my time abroad, God has proved himself faithfully as my Healer so that my burdens would begin to dissipate. The monsters that used to keep me up at night have been tamed, the nightmares gone, and the fears faced. Instead I am filled with hope again; an emotion I had lost the meaning of through the recent circumstances in my life.

More than this though, I am filled with a deep resolve, unwavering purpose, and indestructible determination. This is founded by the resilience I have acquired that could take on any uphill battle that lies ahead. The battles I am destined to face. I’m now ready, willing, and clear minded. The rain, the hurt, the difficult, no longer scares me.

Resilience is the best gift I received in Korea. Hope is close behind it. My faith has always been strong, but it has been refreshed and renewed in a deeply personal way while experiencing this country.  All of these precious gifts will continue to support my quest for changing the world and are secret weapons that will enable me to push through the unimaginable.

I am now ready. Ready to see this vision through and take on the responsibility of what God has asked me to do. My foundation in Him is strong, and is unbreakable. My foundation…. "The Dean Thomas Moinet Foundation."
“I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


  1. Love this news! Go gettum baby xoxoxo

  2. Amen! This is one of my favorite posts and awesome news! So proud of you Nicolette!
