John 14:1-4 “Let
not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my
Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you
that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am
you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”
I woke up this morning to some shocking news. A friend of mine that I went on a mission trip with back in 2010 died suddenly. My facebook was full of people's status updates honoring this amazing man who died from a fall or something equally as unpredictable (the details aren't clear yet). He was so young, and should have had many more years left to live out in this world. He was a great guy who loved the Lord, loved children, loved to help anyone in need and basically was an all around honorable person. I knew him from this trip, and from his kind donations to the causes I have advocated for since our trip. He always wanted to do the right thing and to give back to those in need, and this was one of the traits I admired in him the most.
Thinking of the news of his sudden death for his close friends and family tears my heart out. I am truly sad because of the loss this world has faced by now having one less generous man in my home town. One less kind, selfless, and loving man to spread the love of Jesus to anyone they meet. But more so I am very saddened for my other friends who I went on the mission trip with who knew him deeply and who are severely affected by his death. I can't imagine the pain of getting such shocking news that you could not prepare yourself for. That kind of news changes people, it changes how you grieve, and it changes how you live.
The people in my life that I have lost have all been incredibly sick, so I knew their death was coming. This by no means made it easier, but at least I prepared myself in some small way for not seeing them again. I hugged them extra hard, or called more often, and basically was very conscious of doing all the things you are supposed to do on a daily basis with the people you love. But let's be honest, sometimes life gets in the way of being so loving and open about your feelings and until you know someone's days are limited you can sometimes forget to put in the time or effort. Many times, our minds go to the place of 'I will do it tomorrow, I will call tomorrow.' Knowing you won't get the chance to say these things again urges you take the extra time to makes lasting final memories with them though. I have always wondered what would be worse, being able to prepare for someone's death or having it happen suddenly, and today I know that the sudden death of a loved one would be an incomprehensible pain that would leave a lasting scar.
Knowing that these kind of situations happen in life, one day your calling to make weekend plans and the next your going to their funeral, is enough to make anyone evaluate their life. I personally find comfort in knowing he is with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who he dedicated his life to serving. But it makes me incredibly sad about the day that people close to me pass away who don't know Jesus. God works in his own mysterious ways to invade our lives and give us reasons to change our ways for the better. He gives us so many opportunities to see the goodness he possesses, and the peace he offers in being our Lord and leader of our life. But so often we don't want to give up control of our lives to someone else, we ignore all the reasons and opportunities, and continue to live our lives as we see fit. Well as someone who has lived life like that, and now is living life for Jesus, please let me tell you how incredibly worth it it is to surrender your life to the Lord. The peace, the love, and the support I feel by knowing Christ is so much more than I can put into words. I finally woke up from the selfish life I was living and realized I needed guidance about the right way to live out my days. I have been rewarded in so many ways by making this choice, and my life is so much richer now that I am not living for myself anymore. All it takes is a desire to find out more about our Lord that can change the course of our lives.
Now, I've never been one to push my religion down people's throats, tell people what choices to make, or to ever act like I am better than others. I can only make choices for my own life, living the way God has taught me to live, and hope others can find their own way. Well, forgive me for being candid, but knowing the Lord does have a clock on it. If we all keep running around living our lives selfishly and never wanting to relinquish control to the Creator of the World than we may miss our chance. We may have a fall or something equally as sudden, and die earlier than we ever should have. Our lives can end at any moment, and you won't get a chance to know Jesus. As much as I am happy to live my life for Christ, and just pray for the people I love who don't know him, I also feel a sense of urgency for them. I want them to have the great peace that I have now, that enables me not to worry about the day I will die.
When I die, I will be happy to go out of this world full of hate and pain to a place where pain does not exist. I will be going to a place more beautiful than I can imagine, and will never cry again. Injustice has no place there, neither does grief or sorrow. I will finally get to see my creator and worship and love Him for all eternity. When I die, I will be thinking JACKPOT, finally, I'm going home! Don't let fear, doubt, or stubbornness cheat you out of the same hopeful mindset whenever that day comes. He is calling us all home one day, and that day can be sooner than you think.
R.I.P Justin. You will be dearly missed and will be a lesson for us all to get our lives right today because we don't know what tomorrow holds. You were a man of God who touched so many lives. Enjoy paradise. I will see you there.
I can only imagine,
what it will be like, when I walk by your side
I can only imagine
what my eyes will see, when your face is before me
I can only imagine
Surrounded by your glory
what will my heart feel
will I dance for you Jesus
or in awe of you be still
will I stand in your presence
or to my knees will I fall
will I sing Halleluiah
will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine.
ReplyDeleteAmen Nicolette well said!