Yesterday was my first day of vacation which I happily decided to do absolutely nothing on. I totally vegged out watching my favorite TV show and eating delicious Korean food. The exhaustion from this past week had caught up to me, and with no pending work days coming up I decided doing nothing was perfectly acceptable. Well today was Sunday, and I decided I needed to do something with my day. It was an awful monsoon day here so leaving the apartment seemed too unpleasant of an activity if I didn't HAVE too leave. So instead I took the day to begin packing up my room for my soon-to-be departure date in 5 weeks.
I did some cleaning and then began going through my things. It's amazing what you can aquire in a year. From extra towels, to nail polish, to cheap subway shirts, there were many to sort through. I began to pack up my winter clothes and anything else I didnt think I would use in the upcoming weeks, and one huge suitcase filled up rather quickly. It's funny to see my pile of throw outs (or pass alongs) and then to look into my suitcase at things I deemed necessary to keep.
I threw away many useless shirts, purses, and nic-nacs that served as decoration around my room. But beautiful hand-drawn cards and pictures from my kids I cannot let go of. Reading the words "I love you Ms.Nikki" on so many different beautiful cards that were given to me on my birthday, teachers day, or even just given to me on a random Wednesday are too precious to throw in the trash. It made me think of how much I will miss hearing little children calling out "Ms.Nikki" for their every want and need to be fulfilled.
I have been so much more than their teacher this year. Half the time I'm "Dr.Nikki" when they need their medicine. "I'm Mommy Nikki" when they are limp in my arms crying their eyes out. I'm "Advocate Nikki" fighting for them in parent teacher conferences to try to ensure their bright futures. Being their teacher which means I am all of these things wrapped up in one has been an amazing position to hold. As much as I am ready to end this chapter and get back to my family, I will dearly miss seeing beautiful Korean children running up to me to give me a hug everyday.
My suitcases are half-way packed, my apartment is beginning to look barren, and my heart is full of every emotion in the book. Packing up my life here is such a bittersweet pastime, but my Sunday was rich with moments of reminiscing and treasuring my keepsakes. To be honest, I could hop on the plane with a purse full of my sentimental things such as cards, jewelry, and pictures and I don't think I would miss anything else. They matter the most, they are the most valuable things I own because of the memories they stir up.
I look around my room at the souvenirs hung up on my walls from all over Asia mixed with things from back home. When I first arrived there was only American memories filling up this room and now there is so much more. It shows how much Asia has captured a piece of my heart, as it is covering my walls, and it comforts me that Korea will always be a part of me from here on out.
I knew that you would want your kids mementoes as a priority!