Since being in Korea I have now traveled to three countries. I have been to Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia. It’s amazing the differences that each culture and country has to offer, and the amazing opportunities there are to learn at every corner. I would walk the streets of all of these countries and simply marvel at the beauty and distinctiveness that set each city apart from the next. There is so much to talk about when it comes to reflecting on all of these trips, so here are just a few things I know I will never forget about my journeys around Asia.
Japan had some of the friendliest people I have ever met.
They definitely have similar characteristics of some good ol’ southern folk I
know from home, but in Japan it was different. There was such a high level of
respect for others, respect for their environment, respect for people’s
struggle and desire for success, and a welcoming attitude towards all who chose
to enter their homeland. In Osaka we continuously had strangers doing the
smallest of deeds for us to help us get around or guide us on our vacation, but
these small deeds added up very quickly. The friend who we stayed with was so
hospitable, and even her mother who I had never met before went to great
lengths to take care of me on a day that I was sick. It was so kind and
selfless that it made me miss my own mother. The hospitality, the warmth, and
the respect that Japan gave me will always be in my heart.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was such a cool city. That is the
first word that comes to mind, because at every corner there was just something
that made your mouth fall open and made you say “Ahhh, look at that, that’s so
cool!” Of course there were beautiful landmarks such as the National Mosque or
Palace, but there was something about the rhythm of this city. It seemed to
beat for young people, people seeking adventure, people ready to have a good
time, and they were everywhere. There was such a melting pot of cultures, nationalities,
and religions that you were kept guessing what you would find at every turn.
You could walk down one street and see a Hindu Indian Temple, a Chinese Temple,
a reggae bar and restaurant, and a cross lit up high in the sky from a nearby
Christian church. One night I just walked outside our hostel and listened to
the city. I heard horns blaring, interesting unfamiliar music playing, and
different languages being spoken by all the people that walked by. I saw a woman
in a burqa, another in her traditional Indian sari, some Australians in regular
old shorts and t-shirt, and men walking around with no shoes on. It was a
constant blend; a city that accepted everything and everyone. That cool vibe of
an upbeat city that was full of surprises will be my memory.
Bali, Indonesia will easily be remembered for its
unmistakable, incomprehensible beauty. The green palm trees that we would see,
some with an orange trunk, some with hanging bananas or coconuts were all
around us. Exotic flowers and plants with colors so vibrant poked out of every
crack and crevice of the city of Ubud. We would walk down the streets and
marvel at the gorgeous bright colors all around us that truly took your breath
away. This was my first time ever seeing a country that was considered to have
a jungle or tropical rain forest, so my reaction was utter amazement. I did not
know seeing so much lush greenery around me could make me feel so good. It’s
hard to even put this kind of beauty into words because it’s something you can’t
imagine. This kind of true indescribable beauty will always be my first memory
of Indonesia.
I can't wait to experience new countries with you and beable to reflect like you did about them so eloquently!